men ministries

Every Sunday Easter

I read something this morning that me chuckle, “Easter attendance is the most overrated statistic in the world for small churches”. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved that our church had more people in it on Easter Sunday than it has had probably since last Easter.  I loved the sound we made as we...

Why I Love Church | Part 2

As we noticed last week, the church is filled with all types of people.  Some are happy and content, while others play one role in public yet privately they struggle with guilt, pain, loneliness and an assortment of other issues.  Some play this part because they don’t want people to know the real them for...

McBain Baptist church located in McBain, MI 49657 offers spiritual guidance and communion for the community

Vanilla is Best 5-4-16

The Word of God is now roughly 2,000 years old and we have not added to it since it was completed by John when he finished writing Revelation.   So how can our thinking change?  What was true 2,000 years ago is still true today.  The problem is we need new, we need updated, we need...

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